I was tagged by Preppy Player to list seven things I love. I don't think I have enough blogger's to tag, and the one's I do know, have been tagged. I do enjoy reading anyone who would like to join in though!
I too love my family. I love it when we are all together, at the same time. There is something so secure about everyone being at the same place, at the same time.
I love my 2 kids, and am so very proud of them. It has been such a joy raising them, and watching them turn into adults. It is also a little sad. My husband, I am proud to say, that we have been together forever! (since I was 17!) We have been through good times and bad, but hopefully it will be forever!
I love the fact that I can work a part time job. Especially, the way times are right now.
Oh how I love my Stella! No matter what turmoil is going on, or how bad of a day we are having, she will be there on her 2 hind legs, dancing around, eager to give her undying love and affection!
I love our home in Maryland. Getting away for the summers is so wonderful. Nothing beats sitting around the table with newspaper sprawled out and eating crabs. The memories we are creating are endless & priceless!
I love, love, love, cooking, baking, and entertaining!
I love to go to thrift shops and flea markets. There is nothing better than finding a treasure, and not spending a lot of money. I once got a king size quilt, brand new from Pottery Barn for $3.00!! I found that at a church bizarre. Now that's what I'm talking about!