Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Computer Glitch

My computer has been acting up lately. I think I have a short in my screen. I need to get this fixed a.s.a.p., as I have been putting this off long enough!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful New Year so far. Stay warm and enjoy the winter. It is frigid here in Pennsylvania. How is your weather?
Have a great week and I hope to get back real soon!



  1. hope your computer is feeling better soon!
    weather here is freeeeezzzing!

  2. I know how you feel. I am back in Alaska and using hubby's laptop. Something happened to mine and it is so ANNOYING!!!! XOXO

  3. Oh girl, it is so cold here too, even in FL. BUT i will not complain. I was wishing for this during our long hot summer. Good luck with the PC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Glad you got yours fixed I am still living in Kansas in Dorothy where everything is still in black and white. :) xoxo
