My son John, 24 and my nephew Billy, 18 just went on the trip of their life. They have been saving and planning for the last 5 years. They have always been very close and when Billy was 12 years old they decided that when Billy turned 18, they would go on a trip to Europe together. Well time flew, and he is now 18. They just got back from a 17 day trip through Europe. I'm very proud to say that they each worked very hard and payed for their entire trip themselves. The trip started out flying to Dublin. From there they took a ferry to Wales to go mountain climbing on Mount Snowdonia. Then to London...Paris...Nice....

This is a shot out of their Hostel window in Dublin.


On the ferry to Wales.

Here they are at the peak of Mount Snowdon, 3560 feet above Wales. All in all, my son said that this was the highlight of his trip. (Although I know he had fun on the rest of the trip).

Here they are in Wales at a very low-key hostel, that they obviously bonded with the owners and workers.

Then after 3 days, off to London. This is Abbey Studios where the Beatles recorded. Sure has changed a lot.

Abbey Road

They made it to Paris. See the huge Ferris wheel behind them?

People watching in Paris.

My son with another friendly tourist at the Louver Museum.

Not many pictures from Nice, but here are some fireworks. Spent 3 days here, then flew back to Dublin for another night and then home.
P.S. My son also got to see one his favorite singers, Diane Birch, in a small place in London. They had a great time! I missed him terribly, but the fun is over and it is back to work.
Happy August!